Finding Your Center Is Proven to Improve Your Total Health and Wellbeing

Making decisions can be stressful and extraordinarily complex.  Children learn to choose between flavors of ice cream, adolescents choose between which outfits to wear and friends to trust . . . and young adults begin their journey towards independence by choosing paths that reflect varying levels of responsibility regarding profession and testing of some of life’s unforgiving limits. Decision making begins the moment we are born, and becomes more conscious and informed as we grow.  During a recent interview, Dr. Iankowitz shared how her decision making was impacted by her early years – including the role of her parents, how she processed her understanding of examples set, and how she is moving forward. Your comments are welcome:

To review evidence-based statements encouraging relaxation for overall health, click here. 

There are mounds of data demonstrating that, on the cellular level, we NEED to relax.  It feels good for the mind, it nourishes the body and heals the spirit.  Tap into Dr. Hyman as an online resource, and feel free to explore Holistic and Integrative Healing LLC via Facebook for additional strategies.

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