Actions Speak Louder Than Words: We Say “I’m Here” But The Open Laptop Says, “I’m Busy”

When the family unit struggles to reestablish and maintain emotional or financial balance, our own mind, body and spirit feel the burden.  Putting our children through school, or helping with their education, filing for student loans and financial aid (you know the drill) is no easy task. But once done, and the kids are off to college hours from home, there is a shift in our family experience. Whether it is one child, three out of the house, four still at home or you now live in an empty nest, there is a different vibe to every room in the home you cherish.

Technology may help unite us, while apart, as SKYPE, viber, Hangouts, Facebook and you name it permit us to hear or see our children. But what about when the kids finally visit home?  What is that experience like?

Checkout this essay (click here) for hints and tips on how to face and embrace the time we all share.

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